The festive meeting of the staff of the M.G. Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, dedicated to summarizing the results of LIT's activities in 2024
Distributed Heterogeneous Computing Infrastructure for NICA Data Processing
(based on the PhD thesis)
Seminar of the Scientific Department of Computational Physics
Dissertation defense announcement - 20.12.2024
Staff workshop of the Scientific Department of Computational Physics
Modeling of nonlinear dynamics of electromagnetic radiation generated by charged particle beams in non-one-dimensional spatially periodic structures
(based on the Doctoral thesis)
Reporting seminars of young scientists and specialists who received AYSS grants and M.G. Mescheryakov and N.N. Govorun prizes
Singular Spectrum Analysis and Forecast of Financial Condition of Credit Institutions in the Caterpillar-SSA Approach
Speaker: A.S. Prikazchikova (NRNU MEPhI)
JINR Repository of scientific publications
Speaker: I. Filozova
Methods for Optimizing Algorithms of Static and Dynamic Analysis
(based on the materials of the doctoral dissertation)
Dissertation defense announcement - 28.11.2024
Seminar of the scientific department of computational physics
MLIT STC meeting will be held in a hybrid format: in the MLIT Conference Hall and remotely via Webinar
Open information and educational environment to support fundamental and applied interdisciplinary research
Machine learning algorithms for the JINR MLIT MICC devices monitoring
Speaker: I. Kashunin
About Autumn School of Information Technologies 2024
Online meeting in Webinar
General Laboratory seminar
Seminar of candidates of the JINR Specialized International Competition for JINR Fellowship Program Fellows
Staff workshop of Scientific Division of Computational Physics
Reports of MEPhI students on the results of summer practice
Analysis of multi-channel links using the examples of the JINR Data Center
Speaker: A. Baginyan
II All-Russian School-Seminar for students and young scientists "Center for the Study of Supercomputer Architectures"
Modeling of mixed radiation fields in spacecraft and on charged particle accelerators
Lipnya-2024: rewind
Educational cooperation deepening between JINR and Primorsky Krai
Studying the dynamics of pp and AA interactions using the method of factorial moments for the NICA and LHC energies
Evaluation of Different Few-Shot Learning Methods for Plant Disease Classification
Modeling of mixed radiation fields in spacecraft and on the charged particle accelerators
Parameterizing the special unitary group SU(4)
Speaker: D. Mladenov
Seminar of the participants of the XIII Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “Alushta-2024”
Software-algorithmic complex for reconstruction of charged particles trajectories and ion identification in the SRC at the BM@N experiment
The 8th International Conference on Deep Learning in Computational Physics (DLCP-2024)
Capabilities of the License management system developed at MLIT
Speaker: Alexander Yakovlev
JINR Spring School on Information Technologies 2024. Final results
The International Conference "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics, 2024" (MMCP 2024)
Modeling of the QAOA algorithm operation on the quantum computing simulator Cirq
Speaker: Yuri Palii
Finite groups and quantum mechanics: evolution and decomposition of quantum systems
1. Method of computer modeling in problems of radiation physics. 2. Geometric alignment of the STS and GEM detectors of the BM@N experiment
Digital calorimetry in proton tomography
JINR Spring IT School 2024
MPQIT-2024 – International Workshop on Mathematical Problems in Quantum Information Technologies
Digital twins for solving management and development tasks of distributed data acquisition, storage and processing centers
Development of an electronic logbooks based on WordPress
Speaker: Dmitrii Shpotya
Scientific Department of Computational Physics (past, present, and future)
Application of the Hopfield network and quantum algorithms for SPD event reconstruction (project status)
Speaker: Martin Bures
PI-type fully symmetric quadrature rules on the 2-, …, 6-simplexes
Special features of the toolkit for network traffic analysis
FEM-based approaches for modeling of the resource-demanding magnetization problems with magnetic scalar potential
Ab initio quantum chemical cluster calculations for models of quantum magnetism
Electron dynamics in strong laser field
Engee. Platform of mathematical computing for engineering and scientific research
Online seminar via Webinar
On the entanglement in a two qubit system and the torus action on the Grassmannian Gr(2,4)
JINR Repository of scientific publications on the DSpace platform (trial operation)
Algorithms and software for charged particles trajectories reconstruction in detector systems upstream of the analyzing magnet and ion identification in the SRC at BM@N experiment
Seminar of the participants of the poster presentations by young scientists on the 58th meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics