Press & Publication

Meridians of cooperation. JINR Press Office. JINR - National Research University Higher School of Economics: agreement signed.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 25(4723) of 27 June 2024
Conferences. Registration for an international conference MMCP-2024.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.24 (4722) of 20 June 2024
Sport. Amira Travina: The motto is always the same - the team spirit is invincible!.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.23 (4721) of 13 June 2024
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 2/2024
Meridians of cooperation. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: MPQIT-2024 meeting: the time has come.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 22(4720) of 6 June 2024
Meridians of cooperation. Meeting in Yerevan.
Meridians of cooperation. International seminar "NICA Days - 2024".
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 21(4719) of 30 May 2024
On the bookshelf. About science in memories.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 20 (4718) of 23 May 2024
Institute day by day. JINR Press Office. International cooperation and personnel issues on the agenda of the STC meeting.
In the Trade Union Committee. Valery NIKOLAEV, Chairman of the Trade union committee. On the implementation of the Collective Agreement in 2023.
Meridians of cooperation. JINR Press Office. The possibilities of nuclear physics materials science discussed in Kazan.
Institute day by day.The material was prepared on the basis of an analytical report based on the results of a sociological study of the social satisfaction of JINR personnel in 2023. The results of the annual survey summed up at JINR.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 18-19 (4716-4717) of 16 May 2024
Commentary at the request of readers. On the execution of the JINR budget for 2023.
Youth and science. Olga Tarantina, photo by Igor Lapenko: Students reported on their papers.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.16-17 (4714-4715) of 25 April 2024
Sport. Results of the XXV sports games.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.15 (4713) of 18 April 2024
Events. According to the JINR Press Center. Scientific session of the SINP MSU branch.
Institute: day by day. Olga Tarantina: Cooperation strengthens.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.14 (4712) of 11 April 2024
Institute: day by day. JINR-HSE agreement: start of systematic cooperation.
Institute: day by day. An agreement between JINR and ANL of the Republic of Armenia was signed.
At the Dubna State University . About the ISAM phenomenon and development prospects.
Conferences. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: MCE-2024 in Dubna: returning to traditions. (Ending. Beginning at No. 6 of 15 February 2024, No. 8 of 29 February 2024 , No. 10 of 14 March 2024 )
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.13 (4711) of 4 April 2024
On JINR Foundation Day for significant services in the field of science and conscientious work.
AT THE SESSION of the JINR Committee of Plenipotentiaries. The first session of the JINR CP in the new seven-year plan was held.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.12 (4710) of 28 March 2024
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
A. V. Uzhinskiy Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences.
JINR DIRECTORATE’S INFORMATION / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
CONFERENCES. MEETINGS / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
SCHOOLS / The JINR Autumn School of Information Technologies.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 1/2024
Conferences. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: MCE-2024 in Dubna: returning to traditions. (Continued. Beginning at No. 6 of 15 February 2024, No. 8 of 29 February 2024 ).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 10 (4708) of 14 March 2024
Women in science. About favorite job and gender stereotypes.
From the holiday mail. Vladimir Korenkov, Scientific Leader of the MLIT: Ode to the women of MLIT.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 9 (4707) of 7 March 2024
JINR Prizes for 2023.
Conferences. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: MCE-2024 in Dubna: returning to traditions. (Continued. Beginning at No. 6 of 15 February 2024 ).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 8 (4706) of 29 February 2024
At the session of the Academic Council. Start of a new period.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 7 (4705) of 21 February 2024
Conferences. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: MCE-2024 in Dubna: returning to traditions.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 6 (4704) of 15 February 2024
At PAC sessions. Flagship project, reports, proposals.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 4 (4702) of 1 February 2024
Briefly. XXXI conference "Mathematics. Computer. Education".
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 3 (4701) of 25 January 2024
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies..
SHORT BIOGRAPHIES / N. N. Voytishin, D.V. Podgainy, O.Chuluunbaatar
JUBILEES / Vladimir Vasilievich Korenkov 70 years
CONFERENCES. MEETINGS / 10th International Conference “Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education” (GRID’2023)
Information source — JINR NEWS, 4/2023
At the finish of the year. Olga Tarantina, photo by Alexey Vorontsov: Celebratory meeting of the MLIT team.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 1 (4699) of 11 January 2024
At the end of the year. Kseniya Morunova: Vivid scientific results and social projects.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 49-50 (4697-4698) of 28 December 2023
Serbia - JINR. Inna Kolesnikova, Oksana Streltsova: Cooperation is developing.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 48 (4696) of 21 December 2023
Events. Meeting on computing.
Our partners. SCST of the Republic of Belarus turns 30 .
They were the first. Olga Tarantina, photo from the archive of LIT. MLIT is ready for any challenges. (Ending. Beginning at No. 46 of 7 December 2023 ).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 47 (4695) of 14 December 2023
They were the first. Olga Tarantina, photo from the archive of LIT. MLIT is ready for any challenges. (Ending in the next issue).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 46 (4694) of 7 December 2023
Briefly. Youth School under the NICA project.
Events. The friendship of sciences has received a new impetus.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 45 (4693) of 30 November 2023
Youth and science. A striking example of continuity of generations.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 44 (4692) of 23 November 2023
At the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries. According to the materials of the JINR Press Center, photo by Elena Puzynina: New Seven-Year Plan approved.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 43 (4691) of 16 November 2023
Briefly. Record number of participants.
Meridians of cooperation. According to the JINR Press Center: The SPD collaboration gathered in Samara.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 41(4689) of 2 November 2023
School. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: For the training of young personnel.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 40(4688) of 26 October 2023
Afterword to the Teacher's Day. A report from the past. Alexander Rastorguev: Come to us, Viktor Alekseevich!
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 39 (4687) of 19 October 2023
Anniversaries. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: Captain of a ship called MLIT.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 38 (4686) of 12 October 2023
Anniversaries. Vladimir Vasilievich Korenkov 70 years.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 36 (4684) of 28 September 2023
Anniversaries. Andrey Dolbilov 60 years.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 35 (4683) of 21 September 2023
Conversations with scientists. Vladimir KORENKOV: "I dreamed of the Institute of Physical Сulture, but I have been working at JINR for almost half a century and for 25 years at Dubna University.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 34 (4682) of 14 September 2023
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
SCHOOLS. SEMINARS / At the Laboratory of Information Technologies
Information source — JINR NEWS, 3/2023
MEETINGS, seminars. Based on new methods.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 33 (4681) of 7 September 2023
Anniversaries. Gheorghe Adam 75 years.
Current problems of the physics of the microworld.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 32 (4680) of 31 August 2023
Projects of the XXI century. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: The scale of the conference is not decreasing. (Beginning at No. 28 of 27 July 2023).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 29 (4677) of 03 August 2023
Projects of the XXI century. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: The scale of the conference is not decreasing.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 28 (4676) of 27 July 2023
GRID'2023: tenth anniversary.
Remembering colleagues who have passed away: Igor Viktorovich Puzynin (04/24/1938 - 07/17/2023).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 27 (4675) of 20 July 2023
Youth and science. Vladimir Korenkov, Andrey Nechaevskiy: JINR IT-School in NOSU - 5 years of cooperation!
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 26 (4674) of 13 July 2023
Conferenсes. Traditional meeting, new acquaintances.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 24 (4672) of 29 June 2023
Meridians of cooperation. International IT School in Vladikavkaz.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 23 (4671) of 22 June 2023
Science for practice. JINR develops platform for plant disease detection.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 22 (4670) of 15 June 2023
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
MEETINGS OF THE JINR PACS / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 2/2023
Anniversaries. V.V. Ivanov 75 years.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 19 (4667) of 25 May 2023
Визит сотрудников ЦКС "Дубна" в ОИЯИ.
Alexander Rastorguev: Cybernetics are joking, or Visiting artificial intelligence.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 17 (4665) of 4 May 2023
Youth and science. Spring. LIT. School.
Anniversaries. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: Solving important problems.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 16 (4664) of 27 April 2023
Internet-edition «Podmoskovie segodnya»: Scientists from Dubna have developed a platform for plant disease detection., 18 апреля 2023
XXI century projects. Olga Tarantina: Development of the Institute - in MLIT projects.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 13 (4661) of 6 April 2023
From OFFICIAL sources. New appointments.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 11 (4659) of 23 March 2023
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
D. V. Podgainy, O. I. Streltsova, O. A. Gorbachev The Performance of the “Govorun” Supercomputer at JINR Reached 1.1 PFlops.
SCHOOLS. SEMINARS / At the Laboratory of Information Technologies.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 1/2023
Jury decision on the JINR annual prizes for 2022.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 10 (4658) of 16 March 2023
Students and teachers of MSU visited MLIT.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 9 (4657) of 9 March 2023
Institute: day by day. DIRAC Platform: Resource Integration.
Conferenсes. Olga Tarantina: Unique in its kind. (Ending. Beginning at No. 5) About literature, history and current problems.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 6 (4654) of 16 February 2023
Conferenсes. Olga Tarantina: Unique in its kind.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 5 (4653) of 9 February 2023
At PAC sessions. Evgeny Molchanov, photo by Elena Puzynina: Nuclear physics: a seven-year program.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 4 (4652) of 2 February 2023
Olga Tarantina: The MCE Conference is already for the 30th time!
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 3 (4651) of 26 January 2023
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
SCHOOLS. SEMINARS / At the Laboratory of Information Technologies.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 4/2022
At the end of the year. It's Martin Bures again. Further acquaintance.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 50-51 (4647-4648) of 28 December 2022
Calculations for large-scale scientific projects discussed at MEPhI
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 49 (4646) of 22 December 2022
Institute: day by day. According to JINR websites: High State Awards.
Youth and science. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: At the JINR Autumn School of Information Technologies.(Ending. Beginning at No.47).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 48 (4645) of 15 December 2022
Youth and science. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: At the JINR Autumn School of Information Technologies.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 47 (4644) of 8 December 2022
Jubilees. E.Yu.Mazepa turns 70.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 46 (4843) of 1 December 2022
Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: Modernized supercomputer "Govorun".
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 44 (4641) of 17 November 2022
In the departments of the Institute. About the new services of the Institute.
Jubilees. Arsen Khvedelidze turns 65.
Conferenсes. JINR co-organizes prestigious MoNeTec-2022 conference.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 42 (4639) of 3 November 2022
Collaboration. JINR signed agreements with universities of Uzbekistan.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 39 (4636) of 13 October 2022
At the turn of the seven years. Vladimir Korenkov, MLIT Director: MLIT: responding to current challenges.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 37 (4634) of 29 September 2022
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
SEMINARS / Computational Biology and Physics.
CONFERENCES. MEETINGS / International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 3/2022
JINR Laboratory became "Digital Breakthrough 2022" partner.
NOSU students training at JINR
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 30 (4627) of 11 August 2022 г.
One hundred ways, one hundred roads. There is no city in Russia with such a school of tourism (From the memoirs of Aleksandr Zlobin).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 29 (4626) of 4 August 2022
Workshops. JINR remains an attractive center.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 27 (4624) of 21 July 2022
Youth and science. JINR Information Centre at NOSU hosted IV IT Summer School.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 26 (4623) of 14 July 2022
JINR-Mongolia cooperation enhancement and governmental awards.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 24 (4621) of 30 June 2022
Youth and science. Alushta-2022: the organiser's diary.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 23 (4620) of 23 June 2022
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
CONFERENCES. MEETINGS/ 16th International Scientific Conference “Parallel Computational Technologies 2022”.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 2/2022
Workshops. JINR-Russia-Serbia: in search for new projects at intersection of IT, physics, and biology.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 17 (4614) of 12 May 2022
PRUE students at JINR.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 15 (4612) of 21 April 2022
Conferenсes. Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: Parallel computations and technologies - global trend.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.13 (4610) of 7 April 2022
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
G. A. Ososkov, Yu. V. Pyatkov, M. O. Rudenko Simulation and Analysis of Fine Structure Properties in Mass Distributions of Nuclear Reaction Products by Deep Learning Methods.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 1/2022
Conferenсes. Olga Tarantina: MCO as a mirror of our life.(Ending. Beginning at No. No.5, 6).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.7 (4604) of 24 February 2022
Conferenсes. Olga Tarantina: MCO as a mirror of our life.(Continued. Beginning at No. № 5).
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.6 (4603) of 17 February 2022
Conferenсes. Olga Tarantina: MCO as a mirror of our life.
Veterans of our Institute: Alexander Zlobin - 85!
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.5 (4602) of 10 February 2022
Remembering colleagues who have passed away. Inna Nikolaevna Kukhtina 13.01.1936 - 09.01.2022
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.3 (4600) of 20 January 2022
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
A.V. Uzhinskiy Modern Information Technologies in Environmental Monitoring.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 4/2021
VBLHEP: nominal scholarships, results of the competition of works for 2021.
Remembering colleagues who have passed away:
Lukyanov Stanislav Olegovich 26.07.1952 - 25.12.2021
Walter Kallies 22.06.1948 - 27.12.2021
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.1-2 (4598-4599) of 13 January 2022
First-year students of the RUDN University visited JINR.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 50 (4597) of 23 December 2021
Flagship projects and the search for new goals.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 46 (4593) of 25 November 2021
Visits, photo by Elena Puzynina. JINR and Plekhanov University extend cooperation.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.42 (4589) of 21 October 2021
XXI century projects JINR supercomputer included into unified supercomputer network of Russia.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.40 (4587) of 7 October 2021
Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: "He is an Atlantean, on whose shoulders LIT stands and develops ...".
Anniversaries. To the 95th birthday anniversary of Evgeny Petrovich Zhidkov.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.38-39 (4585-4586) of 23 September 2021
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
MEETINGS. SEMINSRS / Workshop  on  Computer  Algebra.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 3/2021
Olga Tarantina, photo by LIT: "He has a lot of youthful enthusiasm".
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.37 (4584) of 23 September 2021
Organizing committee of the conference, photo by Eugeny Goryachkin, Elena Puzynina: GRID'2021: the program is rich, the participation is record.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.31 (4578) of 29 July 2021
Remembering colleagues who have passed away. ALEXANDER PAVLOVICH SAPOZHNIKOV 27.08.1951 – 24.07.2021
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.31 (4578) of 29 July 2021
Olga Tarantina, photo by Eugeny Goryachkin, Elena Puzynina: GRID-2021: a fresh look and exchange of ideas.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.29-30 (4576-4577) of 22 July 2021
GRID ' 2021: at the forefront of modern tasks.
Information source — City newspaper "Peace Square", No. 27 , 14.07.2021
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 2/2021
Alexandr Rastorguev, photo by Yuriy Tumanov: KLETINKA-86.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.25 (4572) of 24 June 2021
Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: He left us a part of his sunny soul.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.23 (4570) of 10 June 2021
Anniversaries. E.A. Ayryan 70 years.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.20 (4567) of 20 May 2021
Gennady Ososkov: Such a long and interesting life....(Ending. Beginning at No. 16, No .18)
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 19 (4566) of 13 May 2021
Gennady Ososkov: Such a long and interesting life....(Continued. Beginning at No. 16)
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 18 (4565) of 29 April 2021
Ideas are implemented in practice.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 16 (4563) of 15 April 2021
Gennady Ososkov: Such a long and interesting life....
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 16 (4563) of 15 April 2021
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
I. Pelevanyuk, A. Tsaregorodtsev: DIRAC Interware — Unified Interface to Distributed Computing
Information source — JINR NEWS, 1/2021
Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: Heart and soul of the laboratory.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.11 (4558) of 18 March 2021
Anniversaries (T.A. Strizh). Undying energy and inspiration!
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.9 (4556) of 4 March 2021
Remembering colleagues who have passed away. IGOR LVOVICH BOGOLUBSKY 07.11.1947 - 04.02.2021
Anniversaries. Gennady Alekseevich Ososkov - 90 years
From Editorial Mail. G.A. Ososkov - from the heart (G. Vardenga)
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 8 (4555) of 18 February 2021
Main vocation of man (G.A. Ososkov).
Information source — City newspaper "Peace Square", 17.02.2021
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
SCHOOLS. SEMINARS / At the Laboratory of Information Technologies
Information source — JINR NEWS, 4/2020
Anniversaries. V. B. Zlokazov 80 years.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.3 (4550) of 21 January 2021
Remembering colleagues who have passed away. VLADIMIR PETROVICH GERDT 21.01.1947 - 05.01.2021.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.1-2 (4548-4549) of 14 January 2021
V.V. Korenkov: Remembering founders when building the future.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.49-50(4546-4547) of 24 Dezember 2020
Brief IT course in JINR Information Centre.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.46 (4543) of 10 December 2020
Interview with V. V. Chelnokova: It is more difficult to be a physicist, but to be a translator is a great pleasure.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.42(4539) of 12 November 2020
The information from the UC social communications group, photos by Igor Lapenko and the UC social communications group: JINR megaprojects - in the Hypermuseum of Science.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No 40-41 (4537-4538) of 29 October 2020
Presentation of new classes of IT School.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.39 (4536) of 22 October 2020
Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: When tasks were formidable and risks costed lives.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.38 (4535) of 15 October 2020
Olga Tarantina, photo by Elena Puzynina: He was a pivot of the Laboratory.
Remembering colleagues who have passed away. Vladimir Nikolaevich Shkundenkov 27.03.1938 - 26.09.2020.
Nadezhda Kavalerova, Director of the Museum of the History of Science and Technology, JINR: Memorial room opened in LIT.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 37 (4534) of 8 October 2020.
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
O. Chuluunbaatar, Yu. V. Popov, I. P. Volobuev: New Opportunities of the Compton Effect.
SEMINARS / The joint  workshop of  the  Laboratory of  Radiation  Biology  (LRB)  and  the  Laboratory  of Information Technologies (LIT).
Information source — JINR NEWS, 3/2020
Mikhail Grigorievich Meshcheryakov. In honour of 110th anniversary of birth.
Evgeny Mazepa: My teacher Mazny.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.34 (4531) of 17 September 2020
Remembering colleagues who have passed away (Viktor Evgenievich Zhiltsov 17.12.1950 - 15.08.2020)
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.31 (4528) of 20 August 2020
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
Information source - JINR NEWS, 2/2020
Oksana Streltsova, Inna Kolesnikova: Joining efforts of two laboratories.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.25 (4522) of 9 July 2020
Remembering colleagues who have passed away (Iosif Moiseevich Ivanchenko 14.06.1940 - 13.06.2020)
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.23-24 (4520-4521) of 2 July 2020
Publication in Nature Physics with JINR participation .
Nature Physics journal, 13 April 2020
Covid-19: chronicle, comments / Laboratory of Information Technologies .
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.13 of 30 April 2020
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.

SCHOOLS. SEMINARS / Training seminar.
Information source — JINR NEWS, 1/2020
N.N. Govorun: from the book of memories.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.10 (4507) of 19 March 2020
Olga Tarantina: “MCE”: developing but not changing.
Materials of the newspaper "North Ossetia" were used in the preparation of the message: Important event in North Ossetian University.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 6 (4503) of 20 February 2020
Madina Makoeva: What's in the black box?.
Republican daily newspaper "North Ossetia", Section Hi-Tech, 14 February 2020
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
E. E. Perepelkin, A. D. Kovalenko, A. A. Tarelkin, R. V. Polyakova, N. G. Inozemtseva, M. B. Sadovnikova: Integrated Approach in Modeling and Optimization of Accelerator Elements.
CONFERENCES. MEETINGS / "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics” (MMCP’2019).
Information source - JINR NEWS, 4/2019
At the pre-graduation practice in LIT.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 48 (4494) of 12 December 2019
Ekaterina Voitishina: To Dubna for knowledge.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 47 (4493) of 5 December 2019
Olga Tarantina: “Govorun” became faster and more powerful.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 46 (4492) of 21 November 2019
Olga Tarantina: NEC 2019: new technologies for future projects.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 42-43 (4488-4489) of 31 October 2019. The ending - No. 44 (4490) of 7 November 2019
Alexandr Rastorguev: N.N. Govorun in Kiev.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 42-43 (4488-4489) of 31 October 2019
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.

CONFERENCES. MEETINGS / Workshop on Computer Algebra
Information source - JINR NEWS, 3/2019
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
D. V. Belyakov, Yu. A. Butenko, M. Vala, A. S. Vorontsov, T. N. Zaikina, M.I. Zuev, M. H. Kirakosyan, M. A. Matveev, D. V. Podgainy, O. I. Streltsova, Sh. G. Torosyan: Heterogeneous platform “HybriLIT”
Information source - JINR NEWS, 2/2019
Olga Tarantina: Academician Chuluunbaatar tells about necessary conditions for success.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 14 (4460) of 4 April 2019
AT THE LABORATORIES OF JINR / Laboratory of Information Technologies.
Information source - JINR NEWS, 1/2019
Special issue "Youth and Science" (Authors: Alexey Vorontsov, Igor Pelevanyuk, Elena Mazhitova, Sergey Belov, Maxim Zuev, Shushanik Torosyan, Astgin Torosyan, Tatyana Zaikina): The immense world of information technology.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 11-12 (4457-4458) of 21 March 2019
RSCgroup (The leading developer and integrator of supercomputer solutions in Russia and CIS) news: RSC presented a hyper-convergent solution “RSC Tornado” at GRID 2018., September 14, 2018
Portal In the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research discussed the problems of digital transformation of the defense industry, June 4, 2018
World news dispatch service HPCwire (High Performance Computing wire): RSC Reports 500Tflops, Hot Water Cooled System Deployed at JINR., April 18, 2018
Olga Tarantina: Supercomputers sonorous names.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No. 13-14 (4407-4408) of 5 April 2018
V.V. Korenkov: In step with current trends.
JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna. Science. Community. Progress", No.1-2 (4343-4344) of 12 January 2017